Monday, July 25, 2011

Photos: PaulC and Scott

My friend Paul asked me a few weeks ago to take some pictures of him and his boy Scott (of SquarePeg Toys fame). I like having the opportunity to take pictures of guys in their gear in public settings. Yeah, I want to do portraiture, but I also want to do public type stuff.

2011-07-07 Scott & Paul-30a
2011-07-07 Paul-132011-07-07 Scott-07
2011-07-07 Paul-072011-07-07 Scott & Paul-05

The whole set of the PaulC and Scott, 2011/07/07 is available on my flickr account.


  1. And wow....the Caption request on the sign in screen made me laugh hysterically!

  2. Very nice..John you always have such great taste in men...
